sticky notes on corkboard
sticky notes on corkboard

AA Customer Relationship Management

Comprehensive software solution for your business needs as we offer end-t-end CRM.

About AA CRM

Discover the range of services offered by Absolute Accountancy and how we can meet your business needs.

a person sitting at a desk
a person sitting at a desk
person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Explore our services including order management, invoicing, VAT reporting, budgeting, payroll processing, regulatory compliance, and management accounting.


man writing on paper
man writing on paper


Accounting Software
Financial Reporting
a cup of coffee next to a calculator
a cup of coffee next to a calculator
black Android smartphone near ballpoint pen, tax withholding certificate on top of white folder
black Android smartphone near ballpoint pen, tax withholding certificate on top of white folder
woman placing sticky notes on wall
woman placing sticky notes on wall
sliced orange fruits on white ceramic plate
sliced orange fruits on white ceramic plate
blue and brown concrete stairs
blue and brown concrete stairs

CRM Elements

Lead Management
Customer Segmentation
Sales Pipeline

Efficiently track and manage your leads with Absolute Accountancy’s CRM system. Capture leads from multiple channels, assign them to your sales team, and monitor their progress through the sales funnel to ensure no opportunity is missed.

Segment your customers based on demographics, behaviour, and purchase history. Our CRM helps you categorise customers into targeted groups, enabling personalised marketing strategies that drive engagement and sales.

Visualise your entire sales process with a clear and structured sales pipeline. Track each stage of the sales journey, from initial contact to final conversion, and use real-time data to forecast revenue and identify bottlenecks.

Customer relationships are the backbone of a successful business. Absolute Accountancy's CRM system provides an integrated solution to manage your interactions with customers, leads, and clients. Keep track of sales, customer history, and communications to build stronger relationships and drive business growth. Our CRM makes customer management easier and more effective.

blue UTP cord
blue UTP cord
brown tree
brown tree
a person holding a remote control in front of a computer screen
a person holding a remote control in front of a computer screen
Communication Tracking
Customer Support
Reporting and Analytics

Keep a record of all customer communications, including emails, calls, and meetings. Our CRM ensures that your team has a complete history of interactions, making it easier to provide excellent customer service and maintain strong relationships.

Enhance customer satisfaction with efficient support tools. Manage support tickets, resolve issues quickly, and ensure your team delivers prompt and effective service to retain customer loyalty.

Gain valuable insights into your customer base with detailed reports and analytics. Track customer behaviour, sales trends, and team performance to make data-driven decisions that improve customer management and business outcomes.

Contact Us

Contact us for inquiries or consultation scheduling

+1 123-456-7890